Kaliman Seeds

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Nearly 40 years ago, having tried many of the Cheese strains available and unsatisfied with each one, Rockster, founder of Kaliman Seeds started cultivating his own strains. In 1989, after years of development Kaliman Seeds released their first Exodus Cheese clone.

This clone was the catalyst for the start of a successful era for Kaliman, with Rockster managing to turn it into a reliable seed form for general sale.

Cheese#1 is the first Cheese strain in the world that does totally what it says on the tin, namely our Cheese when smoked is indistinguishable in taste and high from the original mother.

Flowering 8-11 weeks, a light to medium feeder. Yield indoors 500-600 gsm easy with a properly dialled in growroom. Good carbon or other filtration essential, this is the Cheese.


Cheese #1

Posted 07 years 11 months 18 days 11 hours 36 minutes ago. 405
Cheese #1 Kaliman Seeds Written by S.T.Oner, Cannabis Sativa vol.1 mostly Sativa Genetics: original Exodus Cheese clone Flowering: 8-11 weeks Yield: 500-600 grams per square meter UK-based Kaliman See