Reggae Seeds

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Reggae Seeds is a project that was born in 2006, but that has many years of collective experience behind it.

We are dedicated to searching for, selecting, and creating great genetics. We work with the little treasures that we find from selecting or from swaps, make crosses with them, and then we make them available to you.

The basis of our genetics is that they are carriers of very high concentrations of CBD, apt for medicinal use.

Our product is the result of the search and work with the genetics and the result of our selections from all types of seeds, commercial as well as land race.

Our crosses come from stable genetics well known in the cannabis world, so the quality is guaranteed from the start.

The plants of Reggae family are a genetic selection that they have a common denominator, well-suited for indoor growing (short, compact plants, without too much branching), as well as being aclimatized for outdoors.

So why regular seeds in a feminised market?

We learnt to cultivate with regular seeds and we've had a lot of success. We learnt to differentiate between males and females, to select mothers and fathers, to make great crosses with them, and to keep worthwhile mothers.

Here at Reggae Seeds we believe that males are extremely important; with them we have the ability to contribute to greater genetic diversity in Cannabis.

We prefer to consume products which are natural and ecological, without genetic or chemical manipulations, for the good of our health and for the conservation of vegetable species. However experience has shown us that we can also get excellent results using feminized seeds and therefore we are offering the Funky Experience line, our feminized seeds, all high quality crosses.

We hope you will enjoy our varieties as much as we do. We also hope that our small contribution to the Cannabis world helps to recover some of the genetic diversity that has been lost over the last century of persecution.


Posted 08 years 01 months 11 days 11 hours 11 minutes ago. 502
Dub Seed Bank: Reggae Seeds Genetics: Sativa/Indica 40/60% Critical Mass A winner of countless awards Kalijah cross with the male. The merger between these two gene has resulted in a compact, short fl