Old Mother Sativa

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Old Mother Sativa
Kog’s Own Seeds
Origins: Sativa
Flowering: 59-63 days
Harvest: mid October
old-mother-sativaKog has been growing Old Mother Sativa in Australia for the past 18 years. It is a very hardy plant, able to withstand severe drought and spring back when water is provided by the grower or mother nature. It also shows resistance to frost in the flowering phase. Selectively bred to be a humongous outdoor plant, Old Mother Sativa strain is well acclimatized to the Australian climate, at 30 degrees latitude S and low elevation.
Suspected to have Southeast Asian roots, this plant was popular among hippies of Australia in the heyday, especially around the Hunter Valley region where it thrived in the 1960s. Old Mother Sativa has a long growing season, and gives best results under full sun, planted in well-drained soil. The root system for this plant tends to be wide and shallow rather than deep, making hilltops and sandy soils along riverbanks super locations for planting. She can reach heights of 15 feet if given a long growing season over Australia’s summer. In a short season, over winter, with less sunshine and warmth, she may remain at a foot tall and produce only about an ounce per plant.
In the wrong environment, or the hands of the inexperienced, this strain can produce a disappointing yield but allowed to grow to her mega-proportions, Old Mother can deliver a primeval harvest of up to 5 pounds.The smoke from this plant is delicious, mellow, and fun, perfect for a sweet silly time with friends. The clarity of this pure sativa will not leave you dozing off or locked to the couch. This plant is easy to clone and may develop purple coloring in cooler growing conditions.